Payer Solutions
CPESN® pharmacies are clinically integrated, performance based, and willing to be held accountable.
Value contracting is made easy for Payers, Partners, and Purchasers with a single agreement covering 48 networks of more than 3,500 independent community pharmacies in 45 states. Download our Value-Based Contracting Framework here.

Amina Abubakar
Pharmacist/Owner, Avant Pharmacy and Wellness - CPESN® North Carolina Luminary
CPESN USA EngageRx® Delivers Results for Payers, and Patients
Download EngageRx Evidence PDF
CPESN is a true pharmacy provider network with deep community ties and local relationships that allow our pharmacies to reach and engage patients for results. Here are a just a few examples of how CPESN pharmacies work with payers to improve patient outcomes while helping lower overall healthcare costs:
- Regional ACO and a local health system collaborated with a local network and realized 30% gap closure in just two weeks
- Local network program with a Medicaid Managed Care Organization showed 18% reduction in overall Emergency Department costs with members utilizing CPESN pharmacies
- Local network program showed a statistically significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. At baseline 26.9% of patients had controlled BP as compared to 56.3% patients at follow up
- Medicaid MCO collaborated with a local network and 82% of its members achieved the goal HEDIS® measure
- Local network program with a Duals plan closed 10% of care gaps in Controlling Blood Pressure Program in just one month
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CPESN Pharmacies Provide Enhanced Patient Care Services
Enhanced health services delivered locally

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CPESN pharmacies collaborate with other health providers to help payers meet quality goals by identifying and closing care gaps. Building on trust and local relationships, they engage the unreachable with pharmacist-led clinical interventions that:
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower HgA1C
- Decrease ER visits and hospitalizations
- Lower the total cost of care
- Improve health awareness through education
- Improve employee productivity