CPESN Health Equity

CPESN® Health Equity stands out as a beacon of progress and commitment as the largest network of pharmacies specializing in addressing health-related disparities. Almost 400 CPESN community pharmacies in 30 states have committed to providing pharmacy care with a special emphasis on underserved and marginalized patients.

By the Numbers: Impact Over 18 Months

This latest by-the-numbers infographic shows the impact CPESN Health Equity has had on communities, individuals, and independent community pharmacies. Over the past 18 months, the program has:

  • Enhanced Access to Care: By integrating Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) experts and Community Health Workers into pharmacies, the network has improved care accessibility for those who need it most
  • Strengthened Community Pharmacies: Independent pharmacies have benefited from increased engagement and revenue, amplifying their ability to serve local populations effectively

Spotlight on Missouri’s Pharmacy Vaccine Gap Closure Program

An article in the August 2024 issue of America’s Pharmacist highlights a groundbreaking initiative: Missouri’s Pharmacy Vaccine Gap Closure Program. Launched in 2022 by the Missouri Pharmacy Association (MPA), CPESN®  Missouri, and CPESN Health Equity, this program is making waves in vaccine distribution and education. Check out the full article here.

Key achievements in the first six months of the program include:

  • 28,000 Interventions: Pharmacy technicians, trained as Community Health Workers and SDoH specialists, conducted screenings for vaccine hesitancy and provided essential education and counseling.
  • $700,000 in Patient Services Revenue: Independent community pharmacies have seen a significant boost in revenue, demonstrating the program's financial impact.
  • $9.2 Million in Healthcare Savings: With each vaccine administered saving the healthcare system approximately $4,637, the overall savings have been substantial.

The program's success underscores the critical role of pharmacies in bridging gaps in healthcare and improving public health outcomes. Learn more about CPESN Health Equity here.

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