Your secondary CPESN network affiliate focused on helping you get paid for local Social Determinants of Heath service delivery. CPESN Health Equity readies your pharmacy to address the growing health inequity crisis.

Integrating Health Equity Into Community Pharmacies

CPESN Health Equity helps pharmacies create a new line of revenue – health equity revenue for the delivery of services to identify, resolve, and treat health-related disparities. Every affiliated pharmacy has social determinants of health expertise while training at least one Community Health Worker - expanding roles of technicians, support staff, and delivery drivers to help patients with high social risk navigate healthcare and community resources. Increasingly, Medicare, Managed MCOs, and state Medicaid programs are recognizing these services in value-based payment models.

Start the Conversation Today

Jonice Ware, PhT, CHW (front) Diane Ford, CPhT, CHW
Jonice Ware, PhT, CHW (front) Diane Ford, CPhT, CHW

Readying Local Networks to Address Health Inequities

CPESN Health Equity helps CPESN pharmacies and local networks navigate conversations with health departments, state Medicaid agencies, and value-based payers around best-practice services to address health inequities.

  • CPESN® New York - Application to provide health equity expertise for workforce development
  • CPESN® Missouri - HTN support for patients self-monitoring blood pressure; and a Vaccine Hesitancy Screening program
  • CPESN® Arkansas- Workforce development toward community health worker training
  • CPESN® Wyoming - Secure CDC 1815 grant to integrate CHWs to network pharmacies and address social determinants of health needs (Watch the video to see how CPESN Health Equity helped CPESN Wyoming)

CPESN Health Equity

Up to 80% of someone's health outcomes is associated with Social Determinants of Health. 

Local map icon


Local pharmacy-based care, local resources, and local partners

Diversity in Health Icon


Access to quality healthcare for all

Health Equity Icon


A health equity business in every CPESN pharmacy

  • Within the walls of the pharmacy, we have seen the Community Health Workers become the ‘problem solvers.’ If a patient comes in with a SDoH issue, whether directly pharmacy related or not, the Community Health Worker is the person other staff members turn to.


    Tripp Logan, PharmD
    CPESN® Health Equity Network Lead Luminary
  • Working with CPESN Health Equity, we were able to meet the requirements for a 1815 grant through our state department of health that focused on Social Determinants of Health. The grant will cover network fees for all of our pharmacies as well as training for a Community Health Worker at each.

    Amy Schmidt
    Network Facilitator, CPESN® Wyoming

Health Equity

Your secondary CPESN network affiliate focused on helping you get paid for local Social Determinants of Heath service delivery. CPESN Health Equity readies your pharmacy to address the growing health inequity crisis.

Contact CPESN Health Equity