CPESN PPC@Home introduces the Physical Medical & Rehabilitation (PM&R) Medical model where your pharmacy serves as the anchor to chronic disease rehabilitative care for recovering and at-risk patients.

Lead Your Market with In-Home Chronic Disease Rehab Care

PPC@Home is a CPESN special purpose network anchored around local community pharmacies for delivering chronic disease rehabilitation to at-risk patients in their homes. Community pharmacists collaborate with physiatrists - physicians trained to lead rehabilitative care for patients disabled by chronic disease, disorder, or injury - to help patients manage medications, maximize functional capacity, and improve quality of life, as defined by the patient.

By affiliating with PPC@Home, CPESN pharmacies get a jump on a growing services industry reflective of a healthcare delivery shift from hospital to home. Pharmacists or primary care physicians can refer patients for a comprehensive telehealth assessment with the physiatrist. The team then works with the patient to build a technology-supported care plan for self-management at home.

Patient Quality-of-Life Choices are Central to PPC@Home Model
Patient Quality-of-Life Choices are Central to PPC@Home Model

Pharmacy Benefits and Services

Varying with the practice model selected, CPESN pharmacies affiliating with PPC@Home will receive MSO support that includes practice analysis for business opportunity; credentialing and training; contract development; and operations and staffing consultation. The program leverages proprietary tech-enabled resources to help aging, disabled, and other high-risk patients self-manage at home. 

Target patients for the program include those who have had a recent fall or are at risk for a fall; were recently discharged from the hospital or a skilled nursing facility; are experiencing functional decline; and are taking multiple medications. Some of the pharmacist-led services are chronic care management, remote monitoring - blood pressure, pulse ox, self-health daily reporting; cognitive screening; medication reconciliationg and deprescribing of high-risk medications in geriatric patients; and home safety reviews. 


Kimberly Varner, PharmD, explains how technology is used to support in-home coaching and mobility exercise
Kimberly Varner, PharmD, explains how technology is used to support in-home coaching and mobility exercise


Costs Icon

Model varies with state laws regarding medical practice ownership.

  • Ownership Model
    • $10,000 initial fee
    • $2,500 per month
  • Extender Model
    • $5,000 initial fee
    • $1,000 per month
Minimum Standards Icon
Minimum Standards
  • CPESN USA member in good standing and affiliated with a local network
  • PPC@Home participating pharmacies must be able to provide, execute and complete effective medication management services including:
    • MTM, Medication Reconciliation
    • Transition of Care Management
    • Deliver, offer to deliver, or provide some means to address patient needs directly at home.


CPESN PPC@Home introduces the Physical Medical & Rehabilitation (PM&R) Medical model where your pharmacy serves as the anchor to chronic disease rehabilitative care for recovering at-risk populations through an interprofessional support team.

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