About CPESN Washington
Our community pharmacy-based network of pharmacists and their teams improve the health and quality of life of Washingtonians by delivering enhanced medication-related services, while working in collaboration with other healthcare providers to optimize therapeutic outcomes and control costs of care.
Network Description: We are a growing network of pharmacies, founded in 2019; member pharmacies receive newsletters, have access to numerous practice-enhancing webinars, resources, and support to transform community practice. We continue to grow our payer program opportunities and partnerships in Washington.

Leadership & Luminaries
Kirk Heinz, Lead Network Luminary
Brian Beach, Network Luminary
Carrie Stephens, Network Luminary
Josuah Tilus, Network Luminary
Kari Vanderhouwen, Network Luminary
Chris Schaffner, Network Luminary
Jennifer Bacci, Network Facilitator
Julie Akers, Network Facilitator
Sirena Kalinski, Managing Network Facilitator
Contact Sirena to learn more about CPESN Washington
Local Network Requirements
CPESN Washington Minimum Service Sets
Comprehensive Medication Review
Offering a systematic assessment of medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, herbal medications and dietary supplements to identify medication-related problems, prioritize a list of medication therapy problems and create a patient-specific plan to resolve medication therapy problems working with the extended healthcare team.
Medication Synchronization Program
Aligning a patient’s routine medications to be filled at the same time each month. The pharmacists will provide clinical medication management and monitoring for progression toward desired therapeutic goals during the patient appointment at time of medication pick-up or delivery.
Screening patients for ACIP recommended immunizations, educate patients about needed immunizations and administer immunizations when appropriate.
Medication Reconciliation
Comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking (active, chronic, as needed and OTC including herbal) to avoid medication errors. This service is especially important during transitions of care when patients are most vulnerable to medication errors or mishaps.
Comprehensive Medication Reviews
Providing each patient a comprehensive list of current patient medications manually or from dispensing software.
Face-to-Face Access
Providing each patient receiving a dispensed medication from the participating pharmacy ready access to unscheduled face-to-face meeting(s) with a pharmacist employed by the participating CPESN pharmacy during operational hours. For pharmacies not staffing a pharmacist during operational hours, a non-pharmacist involved in the patient’s care must be available for the unscheduled face-to-face visit as well as a pharmacist via appropriate telecommunication methods upon request by the patient or the pharmacy staff-person who provides service in support of that pharmacy.
How to Join CPESN Washington
To learn more about CPESN Washington or to join the Network, click the button on the right to contact Sirena Kalinski, Managing Network Facilitator.