CPESN® Virginia is compiled of pharmacists motivated to optimize patient health care outcomes outside of traditional dispensing services while reducing total cost of care.

Leadership & Luminaries
Lura Thompson, Managing Network Facilitator
Tana Kaefer, Network Lead Luminary
Local Network Requirements
Adherence Packaging
System(s) designed to help patients keep medications organized and take medications at prescribed times, with a goal of improved medication adherence.
Comprehensive Medication Review
A systematic assessment of patient-specific information including all medication therapies to identify medication therapy problems, develop a prioritized list of medication therapy problems, and create a patient-specific plan to resolve medication therapy problems.
The ability to actively screen patients for educate on, and provide the following ACIP recommended immunizations (or at a minimum refer to another provider) influenza, pneumococcal (both conjugate and polysaccharide), Tdap, and herpes zoster immunizations.
Medication Reconciliation
Upon referral, the process of comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking (active, chronic PRN, and OTC including herbal) to avoid medication errors.
Medication Synchronization with Personal Medical Record
The proactive process of timing a patient’s routine refills with a pharmacist’s clinical disease state management and monitoring for progression toward desired therapeutic goals. The purpose of medication synchronization is to ensure that patients are refilling and taking their medications as prescribed and to ensure that patients are achieving therapeutic goals with safe and effective medications. This process is not to be confused with automatic refill. This service also includes the creation of a personal medication record (PMR). A PMR is a comprehensive record of the patient’s active medications (prescription and nonprescription medications, herbal products, and other dietary supplements).
How to Join CPESN Virginia
For more information about CPESN Virginia or to join the network, click the button on the right to contact Lead Luminary Tana Kaefer.