CPESN NY Integrates Three Chapter Networks to Deliver Statewide Impact
The formation of CPESN NY LLC/IPA originated in 2019 to allow three local clinically integrated chapters to collaborate in conjunction with CPESN USA while also having the capability to act independently where state and local needs require different resources. These chapters include CPESN of New York City (NYC), CPESN of Upstate NY (UNY), and CPESN of Western NY (WNY), and span statewide encompassing 287 member pharmacies.
To learn more about CPESN NY and our statewide initiatives, please visit our website cpesnny.com.

Mission Statement
CPESN NY, LLC is a registered healthcare entity and independent practice association with a statewide member network of community pharmacies that empowers local, high-quality, patient-centered enhanced services.
Vision Statement
To transform community pharmacy practice by innovating sustainable clinical-based service model opportunities that will expand the evolving role of the pharmacist in the healthcare profession.
Core Values
Innovation – We are dedicated to providing the next level of sustainable pharmacy patient-centered care by delivering forward-thinking clinical-based service models, programs, and future opportunities through collaboration with our valued national and state CPESN partners.
Commitment – We strive to support, develop and expand our efforts in community pharmacy through good stewardship, leadership, research, and clinical-based practice for our member pharmacies and the patients they serve.
Diversity – We strongly value our team, members, and partners from all backgrounds and welcome, respect, and appreciate the many differences, viewpoints, and ideas of those within our organization and work environment.
Integrity – We are committed to making honest, informed, and equitable decisions that are conducted in a transparent manner to establish and maintain trust for our team, partners, and member pharmacies.
Quality – We firmly believe in quality and assurance measures and integrate this concept into everything we do and the services we deliver.
Leadership & Luminaries
John Croce, Managing Network Facilitator
John Croce, Network Lead Luminary
Jessica Anderson, DSMES Accreditation Specialist and Network Facilitator
Heidi Daly, Marketing Director
Local Network Requirements
Adherence Packaging
Unit dose packaging designed to assist patients with medication organization by incorporating date and time into the unit dose device; pharmacy to determine whether or not fee applies. This service may include a pharmacist working with the patients and/or their caregivers to determine an appropriate adherence packaging system such as bubble packing, medication strips, med planners, or automated medication planners. The pharmacy will work closely with patients, caregivers, and prescribers to make sure that the medications including dosing regimens areup-to-date.
Adherence Program
A continuous service whereby the pharmacy facilitates a comprehensive medication review to determine an optimal regimen working in collaboration with the patient’s prescriber(s), synchronizes medications, develops a schedule to take them at the correct time of the day and improve patient adherence and at minimum monthly encounters with the patient to determine any changes with the medication regimen or health status. This service may include a pharmacist working with the patients and/or their caregivers to determine an appropriate adherence packaging system which may include Medication Synchronization, Adherence Reminder Calls, Strip Packaging, Blister Packaging,or other special adherence packaging to promoteadherence.
Clozapine Dispensing and Monitoring
The ability to dispense clozapine throughregistration with the Clozapine Patient Registry database and on-going monitoring of labs for applicable patients.
Comprehensive Medication Reviews
A systemic assessment of medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, herbal medications and dietary supplements to identify medication-related problems, prioritize a list of medication therapy problems and createa patient-specific plan to resolve medication therapy problems working with the extended healthcare team.
Home Delivery
A pharmacy-provided delivery service; call the pharmacy for details.
The act of screening patients for ACIP recommended immunizations, approved for administration by a pharmacist in New York, educating patients about recommended immunizations, and administering the immunizations when appropriate.
In-Depth Counseling, Coaching
Additional counseling offered by the pharmacy, requiringa pharmacist or qualified staff member to step out of traditional pharmacy workflow in order to complete the activity.
Medication Reconciliation
The process whereby a pharmacist compares a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking (active, chronic, as needed and OTC including herbal) to avoid medication errors. This service is especially important during transitions of care when patients are most vulnerable to medicationerrors or mishaps.
Medication Sychronization Program
Aligning a patient’s routine medications to be filledat the same time each month, or every 4 weeks as scheduled. The pharmacists will provide clinical medication management and monitoring for progression toward desired therapeutic goals during the patient appointment at time of medication pick-up or delivery.
Personal Medication Record
Ability to create a comprehensive list of current patient medications manually or from dispensing software.
Transitional Care Management
A patient-specific service that aids in transitions of care by providing medications to the patient following hospital discharge within 24 hours. This service will include medication reconciliation, counseling, education about propermedication administration and side effects, as well as an opportunity to answer the patient or their caretaker's questions. This service also includes appropriate follow up with patient and/or caregiver within 2 dayspost-discharge.
How to Join CPESN Upstate New York
To learn more about CPESN Upstate New York or to join the network, contact John Croce, Managing Network Facilitator and Lead Luminary.