The goal of CPESN® Texas is to improve the overall health of the citizens of the state of Texas by focusing on quality performance in all aspects of pharmacy practice to include implementation of enhanced pharmacy services, provision of high quality patient care, collaboration with other health care providers and key stakeholders, and working closely with payors to improve overall health care resources, utilization and costs.
The CPESN Texas Network was formed on March 1, 2017 when 20 Texas Pharmacists came together in Austin. The Texas Network is open to any individual pharmacy, whose services meet all of the Network’s minimum required services.

Leadership & Luminaries
Angelina Tucker, Managing Network Facilitator
Benjamin McNabb, Network Lead Luminary
Local Network Requirements
CPESN® Texas Minimum Service Sets
Adherence Program
Assisting the patient to help organize medications, take them at the correct time of the day and improve patient compliance/adherence. This service may include the pharmacist working with the patients and/or their caregivers to determine an appropriate adherence packaging system which may include Medication Synchronization, Adherence Reminder Calls, Strip Packaging, Blister Packaging, or other special adherence packaging to promote adherence with utilization of appropriate labeling as determined by the Board of Pharmacy.
Comprehensive Medication Review
A systemic assessment of medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, herbal medications and dietary supplements to identify medication-related problems, prioritize a list of medication therapy problems and create a patient-specific plan to resolve medication therapy problems working with the extended healthcare team.
Immunizations Screening and/or Administration
The ability to actively screen patients, educate, and provide ACIP recommended immunizations (or at a minimum refer to another provider) included, but not limited to, influenza, pneumococcal (both conjugate and polysaccharide), Tdap, and herpes zoster immunizations.
Medication Reconciliation
The process of comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking (active, chronic, as needed and OTC including herbal) to avoid medication errors. This service is especially important during transitions of care when patients are most vulnerable to medication errors.
Home Delivery
Ensure that pharmaceutical care & prescription medication are delivered to the patient in a timely manner relevant to their disease state or illness. Pharmacy provides delivery service (in person or other courier); fee may apply. Contact pharmacy for limitations/restrictions.
How to Join CPESN Texas
To learn more about CPESN Texas or to join the network, contact Managing Network Facilitator Angelina Tucker.