The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network is a premiere professional network of pharmacists collaborating to optimize appropriate medication use to promote positive patient health outcomes. 

PPCN's purpose is to improve patient outcomes by connecting pharmacists to the patients that need their help and partnering with payers so that this service is fairly reimbursed and sustainable. Ultimately, by providing medication management services to those that need them, PPCN pharmacists will be able to improve patient outcomes, increase quality measure ratings and lower overall health care costs.



Leadership & Luminaries

Stephanie McGrath, Managing Network Facilitator
Ron McDermott, Network Lead Luminary

Local Network Requirements

  • Ability to perform Comprehensive Medication Reviews (CMRs)

    Pharmacists providing CMRs must complete required PPCN training.

    All CMRs will meet the following standards:

    • Conducted face to face (when possible) in a private space;
    • All medications (including OTCs and herbal) are reviewed and assessed for appropriate indication, efficacy, safety and compliance;
    • Encounter is documented in required technology platform provided by PPCN;
    • All Drug Therapy Problems (DTPs) identified are communicated to the PCP and other appropriate prescriber if applicable;
    • Patient will receive a comprehensive medication list including names of medications, directions for taking, what it is for, goals of the medication, and who prescribed (if applicable);
    • Patient will also receive any applicable recommendations in writing to optimize their therapy;
    • Every CMR will include a telephonic or in person follow up to ensure resolution to any identified DTPs.
  • Immunizations

    Pharmacists should actively screen patients for ACIP recommended immunizations, educate patients about needed immunizations, and should offer at minimum the following immunizations: influenza, pneumococcal (both conjugate and polysaccharide) and herpes zoster as appropriate per patient population. If a pharmacy is unable to provide immunizations at their site (ex. LTC facility or clinic/hospital location or lack of third party reimbursement), they should actively screen patients for needed immunizations, educate patients/caregivers about immunizations needed and refer patients to another provider for these immunizations.

How to Join CPESN® Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network

To learn more about the CPESN® Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network, or to join the network contact Managing Network Facilitator Stephanie McGrath at [email protected].