The CPESN Missouri mission is to offer enhanced patient services through a network of community-based pharmacies, addressing patients’ unique medication use needs and co-managing patients in collaboration with an integrated care team, ensuring positive health outcomes and reducing overall health care costs.
CPESN Missouri has been actively engaging high-performing pharmacies statewide since 2017. Our network is committed to expanding pharmacy patient-care services, promoting a team-based care model, and supporting pharmacy contracting and collaborative partnerships.
“By aligning Missouri pharmacies around like enhanced service offerings, we can drive new patients, opportunities, and payment models to Missouri CPESN pharmacies.”
– Tripp Logan, PharmD, Southeast Missouri Community Pharmacist, CPESN Missouri Lead Network Luminary

Leadership & Luminaries
Annie Eisenbeis, Managing Network Facilitator
Tripp Logan, Lead Network Luminary
Local Network Requirements
The CPESN Missouri minimum service set aligns with the CPESN USA:minimum service set:
Comprehensive Medication Review
Systemic assessment of medications (including prescription, over-the-counter, herbal medications, and dietary supplements) to identify medication-related problems
Medication Synchronization Program
Alignment of patient's routine medications, manual or electronic based, to be filled at the same time each month.
Act of screening patients for ACIP recommended immunizations, education patients about needed immunizations, and administering immunizations, or refer, when appropriate
Medication Reconciliation
Process of comparing a patient's medication orders to all medications the patient has been taking (active, chronic, as needed, and OTC including herbal) to avoid medication errors.
Personal Medication Record
Comprehensive list of current patient medications, manually or from dispensing software.
How to Join
If you are interested in joining CPESN Missouri, or would like more information, or have questions, contact Managing Network Facilitator Annie Eisenbeis, PharmD, MBA.