Who We Are
CPESN Idaho is a network of independent pharmacies that serve communities throughout the state of Idaho. You might have heard of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO); we call ourselves an Accountable Pharmacy Organization (APO). We care about our communities and care about making prescriptions and healthcare affordable for our community members.
We are dedicated to help in a wide array of ways such as: medication reconciliation, medication synchronization, opioid safety with proper disposal, immunizations, adherence packaging, Idaho approved prescribing, and many other items. We like to discuss with our partners (employers, providers, payers, and patients) their goals, needs, and concerns and how we may be of help to save both our partners’ and patients’ healthcare expenditures.
Watch this short video to learn more about CPESN USA.
Leadership & Luminaries
Managing Network Facilitator

Lead Network Luminary

Network Facilitator
Local Network Requirements
The Minimum CPESN Network Service Set creates a single standard for enhanced services provision across all local CPESN Idaho network pharmacies. The following listed below are the minimum standards for all pharmacies within the CPESN network. CPESN Idaho network pharmacies may also offer other services in addition to the ones listed below.
Comprehensive Medication Review
A systematic assessment of medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, herbal medications and dietary supplements to identify medication-related problems, prioritize a list of medication therapy problems and create a patient-specific plan to resolve medication therapy problems working with the extended healthcare team.
Medication Synchronization
Aligning a patient’s routine medications to be filled at the same time each month. The pharmacists will provide clinical medication management and monitoring for progression toward desired therapeutic goals during the patient appointment at time of medication pick-up or delivery.
Act of screening patients for ACIP recommended immunizations, educate patients about needed immunizations and administer immunizations when appropriate.
Medication Reconciliation
The process of comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking (active, chronic, as needed and OTC including herbal) to avoid medication errors. This process should be done at every transition of care, and other times as applicable. Pharmacists should assess for discrepancies, communicate with other providers/health-systems, and work closely with the patient to ensure that their current medications are intended and appropriate. Pharmacists will document that they performed the medication reconciliation, identified any discrepancies, and communicated with other providers as necessary
Personal Medication Record
Ability to create a comprehensive list of current patient medications manually or from dispensing software.
Face to Face Access
Provide each patient receiving a dispensed medication from the participating pharmacy ready access to unscheduled face-to-face meeting(s) with a pharmacist employed by the participating CPESN pharmacy during operational hours. For pharmacies not staffing a pharmacist during operational hours, a nonpharmacist involved in the patient’s care must be available for the unscheduled face-to-face visit as well as a pharmacist via appropriate telecommunication methods upon request by the patient or the pharmacy staffperson who provides service in support of that pharmacy.
eCare Plans
The Pharmacist eCare Plan (PeCP) is an interoperable standard that allows for pharmacy technology providers to have a common method of exchanging information related to care delivery, including patient goals, health concerns, active medication lists, drug therapy problems, laboratory results, vitals, payer information and billing for services.
It is a minimum standard and requirement for each CPESN Idaho participating pharmacy to complete and submit at least 10 eCare Plans every quarter.
To learn more about an eCare Plan is you can watch these videos.
Contact CPESN Idaho
To learn more about CPESN Idaho contact Managing Network Facilitator Troy Coulson.
Sign Up Now
If you are ready to be a part of CPESN Idaho and connect with other like-minded peers to improve the quality of patient care, add revenue-generating services, and accelerate sustainable business growth then please join now.