Our community pharmacies provide enhanced patient care services in collaboration with other healthcare providers with the intent of improving patient health outcomes and reducing overall healthcare costs. CPESN® New Jersey prioritizes creating partnerships between community pharmacies and payers so that pharmacists can continue to offer enhanced patient care services in a sustainable marketplace that offers fair reimbursements.

Leadership & Luminaries
Ghada Abukuwaik, Managing Network Facilitato
Ghada Abukuwaik, Network Lead Luminary
Local Network Requirements
The minimum requirements for participation in CPESN New Jersey are the same as for participation in CPESN USA with the addition of the following:
Transitional Care Management
A patient-specific service that aids in transitions of care by providing medications to the patient following hospital discharge within 24 hours. This service will include medication reconciliation, counseling, education about proper medication administration and side effects, as well as an opportunity to answer the patient or their caretaker's questions. This service also includes appropriate follow up with patient and/or caregiver within 2 days post-discharge.
How to Join
To Join CPESN® New Jersey, contact Ghada Abukuwaik at [email protected]