The Mission of the Northeast Tennessee Independent Pharmacy Coalition CPESN-NET is to care for our patients and improve patient outcomes by uniting independently owned and operated pharmacies in our general service area through clinical services, encouraging inter-professional relations, and promoting the public health through education, discussion and provider/payer engagement.

Leadership & Luminaries
Rebecca Wagers, Managing Network Facilitator
Beth Bryan, Lead Network Luminary
CPESN-NET Minimum Service Sets
Member agrees to adhere to all extended service principles as defined by network leadership consisting of at minimum:
MTM Services
- Adherence packaging on request
- Adherence reporting at physician request
- Home and/or Hospital bedside delivery (individual pharmacies to define area/scope)
- Immunizations
- Med Sync Program
- Disease state counseling
- Post hospitalization MTM
- Vital sign collection capabilities
- eCareplan capabilities
- Printout of Patient’s Personal Medication Record
- Some health system agreements will require pharmacies to have access to and participate in full two way clinical integration. Pharmacies must be willing to participate in such HIE's as required by health system for collaborative inclusion.
Stores will substantiate compliance/ability through a questionnaire surrounding above standards. Pharmacist who are providing certain care levels will also be asked to self-assess competence levels and request assistance in improving weak areas. Pharmacist who are not offering services will have the opportunity to define goals for new implementation as well as requesting assistance with achieving these goals. Leadership will use the data to develop a support base among the network where members use their strengths to help one another in developing their practice.
Optional MTM Services
Optional services:
- 24-hour Emergency Service/On Call – Dispensing and Non-Dispensing
- Medication Dispensing for Patients with Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility
- Smoking Cessation Program
- DME Billing – Medicare and Medicaid
- Home Visits
- Mailing/shipping capabilities
- Collaborative practice
- Care Plan Development/Reinforcement
- Point of Care Testing
- Immunizations – Non-Medicaid
- In Depth Counseling/Coaching
- Long-Acting Injections
- Multi-Lingual Staff
- Naloxone Dispensing
- Nutritional Counseling
- Pre-filling Syringes for Oral Administration
- Specialty Pharmacy Dispensing
- Disease State Management Programs
- Compounding, Sterile and/or Non-Sterile
Mutually Reinforcing Activities
- Each participating organization employs its strengths while sharing resources with others. This means that each organization’s activity may be distinct, but the partners work together to address the same agreed upon problem, letting collaboration flourish into a strong framework with a coordinated plan of action. Here is the list of stated goals and objectives.
- The pursuit, development and execution of collaborative agreements with regional providers, provider groups and institutions with a focus on improving patient outcomes in our general service area.
- Aiding member pharmacies in implementing programs which open up alternate income stream in order to increase revenue and profitability.
- The development and ongoing staging of an inclusive mass marketing campaign designed to provide high end visibility to all member pharmacies while highlighting each stores individual strengths.
- The development of a clear legislative agenda to address issues directly related to the health needs of our community as they relate to independent pharmacy. This will include developing a master plan of solutions to the problems and steps necessary to obtain goals and will be accomplished by utilizing our resources to move the agenda identified by our state organizations as well as progressing new and/or necessary ideas of our own.
Continuous Communication
Due to the array of partners, continuous communication is essential to developing trust across the sectors. Regular meetings, among other forms of interaction, allow each organization to feel that their interests are being heard, and provide opportunities to report upon metrics identified in the shared measurement system.
Backbone Support (Leadership Team)
The backbone support advocates for the cause, coordinates between partners—both in terms of funding and activity—and makes sure that all those involved are actively pursuing the strategy. is essential to helping the framework of partners positively and effectively interact and reinforce each others strengths.
How to Join CPESN® Northeast Tennessee Independent Pharmacy Coalition
To join CPESN® Northeast Tennessee Independent Pharmacy Coalition, contact the Managing Network Facilitator Rebecca Wagers.