Mission Statement: CPESN® Florida exists to optimize patient experience, care, and outcomes. We serve as one pharmacy community collaborating with the healthcare team to reduce total costs of care.
Network Description: CPESN Florida is a statewide network of Florida community pharmacy practices dedicated to serving our patients with enhanced services and working collaboratively with other members of the healthcare team to improve patient health outcomes. Our goals include contracting with payers to receive payment for delivered patient care services; partnering with health care systems, accountable care organizations, and other key stakeholders; and ensuring that our network is the foremost leader in community-based health-care. If your practice is aligned with this goal, consider joining us as we reshape the role of the community pharmacist in today's healthcare system.

Leadership & Luminaries

Theresa Tolle, Lead Network Luminary

Laura Rhodes, Managing Network Facilitator
Local Network Requirements
CPESN Florida requires the Minimum CPESN USA Service Set which creates a single standard for enhanced services provision across all local CPESN networks and pharmacies participating in CPESN USA. Current Minimum CPESN Network Service Set (2021) follow:
Comprehensive Medication Review
Offering a systematic assessment of medications, including prescription, over-the-counter, herbal medications and dietary supplements to identify medication-related problems, prioritize a list of medication therapy problems and create a patient-specific plan to resolve medication therapy problems working with the extended healthcare team.
Medication Synchronization Program
Aligning a patient’s routine medications to be filled at the same time each month. The pharmacists will provide clinical medication management and monitoring for progression toward desired therapeutic goals during the patient appointment at time of medication pick-up or delivery.
Screening patients for ACIP recommended immunizations, educate patients about needed immunizations and administer immunizations when appropriate.
Medication Reconciliation
Comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking (active, chronic, as needed and OTC including herbal) to avoid medication errors. This service is especially important during transitions of care when patients are most vulnerable to medication errors or mishaps.
Personal Medication Record
Providing each patient a comprehensive list of current patient medications manually or from dispensing software.
Face-to-Face Access
Providing each patient receiving a dispensed medication from the participating pharmacy ready access to unscheduled face-to-face meeting(s) with a pharmacist employed by the participating CPESN pharmacy during operational hours. For pharmacies not staffing a pharmacist during operational hours, a non-pharmacist involved in the patient’s care must be available for the unscheduled face-to-face visit as well as a pharmacist via appropriate telecommunication methods upon request by the patient or the pharmacy staff-person who provides service in support of that pharmacy.
Home Delivery
This is a CPESN Florida-specific minimum service set. Pharmacies need to have the ability to deliver to patient homes in a timely manner.
How to Join CPESN Florida
We are actively recruiting pharmacies to join CPESN Florida. Please contact our Lead Network Luminary, Theresa Tolle, for more information on how to join. Alternatively, you may use the link below to submit an application to join CPESN Florida.