CPESN® Arkansas serves to coordinate care in community-based pharmacies through collaboration with other health care providers to optimize medication therapy to ensure patients are achieving positive therapeutic outcomes and reducing overall healthcare costs.
CPESN Arkansas members are engaged through a private Facebook group, receive monthly newsletter updates and monthly webinars. The network has secured a small grant to help develop immunization practices in the state. Several volunteers have presented the local CPESN network at statewide pharmacy association district meetings, health-system pharmacists’ meeting, primary care clinics and medication safety groups. Arkansas community pharmacists are maintaining momentum and increasing publicity for better care.

Leadership & Luminaries
Bri Morris, Lead Network Facilitator, Managing Network Facilitator
Megan Smith, Academic Facilitator
Local Network Requirements
CPESN® Arkansas Minimum Service Sets. All participating pharmacies are capable of providing the following core services:
Medication Reconciliation
Comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications the patient has been taking to avoid medication errors during care transitions.
Clinical Medication Sychronization
Timing a patient’s routine refills with a pharmacist’s clinical disease state management and monitoring to progress toward desired therapeutic goals
Acherence Packaging
Assisting the patient with a system to help organize medications, take them at the correct time of day and improve patient compliance.
Screening patients for ACIP recommended immunizations, educating patients about needed immunizations, and providing immunizations or referring to other health care providers.
Complete Medication Reviews with Chronic Care Management
Providing ongoing evaluation of a patient’s chronic disease states, collaborating with other health care providers to ensure safe and effective medication use
Transitions of Care
Coordinating the continuity of health care as patients transfer between different settings, which includes medication reconciliation, medication therapy management, and patient education activities.
How to Join CPESN Arkansas
Contact CPESN Arkansas to learn more.