CPESN Mississippi luminary Bob Lomenick, owner of several pharmacies including Tyson Drugs in Holly Spring, Miss., will co-host Parata's next webinar in their Talking Automation Series, entitled: "Building an Adherence Program – Keys to Success and Continued Growth." It is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 1 p.m.
CPESN® Mississippi is one of four networks closing care gaps for UnitedHealthcare
Bob Lomenick, CPESN MIssissippi Lead Luminary and pharmacist/owner of Tyson Drugs in Holly Springs, MS, says his staff piggybacks care gap outreach with med sycn calls to schedule UHC HbA1c and blood pressure checks for Medicaid patients. He shares that and other tips in this short video. Other networks particpating in the gap closure program through Dec. 31 are CPESN Virginia, CPESN Florida, and Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network, the CPESN network in Pennsylvania.