Leadership and Subject Matter Experts

CPESN USA Leadership and Subject Matter Experts have diverse work experience and skill sets to build, maintain, and optimize a Clinically Integrated Network of Community-Based Pharmacies.

Troy Trygstad
Troy Trygstad
Executive Director
Joe Moose
Joe Moose
Director, Strategy and Luminary Programs
Ashley Moose
Ashley Moose
Director, Network Development
Cody Clifton
Cody Clifton
Director, Practice Transformation, Clinical Progs.
Katie Funk
General Counsel
Jay Williams
Jay Williams
Director, Marketing
Gayle McCracken
Gayle McCracken
Asst. Director, Demand Gen Marketing
Angelina Tucker
Asst. Director, Community Connected
Angie Dickinson
Angie Dickinson
Lead, Brand Presence
Tiffany Capps
Tiffany Capps
Lead, Beacon & CPESN Leadership Initiatives
Madeline Clark
Madeline Clark
Lead, NextGeneration Luminary Initiative

Payer, Partner, and Purchaser Engagement

Alison Haas
Alison Haas
Director, Value-Based Contracting
E.J. Stoepfel
Lead, Payer, Purchaser, Partner Engagement

Program Support and Operations

CPESN USA Leadership and Subject Matter Experts have diverse work experience and skill sets to build, maintain, and optimize a Clinically Integrated Network of Community-Based Pharmacies.

Jamie Kemp
Jamie Kemp
Asst. Director, Network and Program Support
Gabrielle Harris
Gabrielle Harris
Lead, Nationwide Program Support
Amy Schmidt
Amy Schmidt
Lead, Network and Program - Mountain Region
Lindsay Christensen
Lindsay Christensen
Lead, Network and Program Support - Midwest Region
Lura Thompson
Lura Thompson
Lead, Network and Program - East Region
Rebecca Wagers
Rebecca Wagers
Lead, Network and Program Support - East Region
Kerri Okamura
Kerri Okamura
Lead, Network and Program Support - Pacific Region
John Croce
John Croce
Lead, Network and Program Support - Northeast Region

Clinically Integrated Network and Value-Based Contracting Operations

Casey Thompson Schwartz
Casey Thompson Schwartz
Asst. Director, Clinically Integrated Network Operations
Kerry Kribbs
Kerry Kribbs
Board & Committee Liaison
Trish Fitzpatrick
Trish Fitzpatrick
Lead, Network Operations
Christine Cline Dahlman
Christine Cline Dahlman
Program Coordinator, Workflow Wednesdays

Information Technology and Analytics

CPESN Technology and Analytics experts offer clinically-Integrated and value-based contracting services, including: a Secure Network Infrastructure; Dynamic Reporting Services; Service and Performance Adjudication; and Quality Assurance Utilities

David Pfeiffenberger
Director, Information Technology, Analytics
Monali Bhosle
Monali Bhosle
Assistant Director, Analytics and Reporting
Hugh Heldenbrand
Hugh Heldenbrand
Lead, Operational and Clinical Data Informatics
Mike Fahy
Manager, Technology & Development Implementation
Denver Jameson
Denver Jameson
Lead, Reporting Services and Value-Based Contracting Analytics
Leena Thomas
Data Analyst